Yahoo.. no works next Monday

posted under by Admin
What a lovely weekend its gonna be!!!

Malaysian League

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Malaysia soccer still have the followers, with condition that FAM need to revamp the system and the league itself.

It has been a long time that we rarely seen the stadium filled by supporters.

Then tonight is the best example.

Anyway, Selangor beat Kelantan by 3 - 0 to level the points in league table.

Some action

Best tool to draw your network diagram

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Just browse the internet and found this useful tool.
Now testing the software for usability.

Please check the software at

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Cute cat

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Snap during my lunch time. She must be hungry.

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Toll increase from March 1 for five highways

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News for today. So how do you feel about this?
Just like a chain around the neck..

What can you do with the new Windows Live? Find out

Our Pride

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What does it meant to you?

Chat online and in real-time with friends and family! Windows Live Messenger

Something nice for the afternoon

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Gotta out in a few moment for lunch. And ice tea is the best for it. Couple with nice meals.

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